

Chasing Voices, Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit


Last year, Brooklyn’s Chasing Voices emerged as one of those anonymous projects, replete with spooked-out artwork, limited pressings, and a shadowy demeanor that bled deeply into the music itself. Because of this esoteric approach, the project’s unforgettable debut Acidbathory took its time creeping up, and by the time it had infiltrated the public consciousness, the project had already released its second transmission, Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit. The latter title (“nothing comes from nothing”) offers a disclaimer for those put off by the cloaked approach: though it may have appeared from “nothingness,” this music is the highly calculated product of an exceptional vision.

That vision, however, remains fairly mysterious. “Ex Nhilio Nihil Fit” begins with an accented man declaring, “We’re not gonna avoid complexity… we all accept that it’s not clear,” which seems as much a mission statement for the project as a signal for the jacking intensity about to ensue on the track. One of the most pronounced facets of Chasing Voices is a real concern for sound design: the highs are extremely crisp, and the persistently jagged synth stabs, which recall so much mid-90’s techno, seem pushed to their absolute limit, underscoring the track with a violent hum. In this, it recalls the nihilistic electronics of No Fun or Hospital Productions as much as it does the throwback sounds and sputtering percussion of a producer like Redshape. In the end, it’s a reconstruction of old tropes rather than a rehash of them, trading all of rave techno’s hedonism for the disquieting miasma of the machines that created it, now reduced to their most rugged essence. 

Zeta Reticula – EP 2 (A1)


When DJ UMEK released released the Zeta Reticula EPs on Electrix Records back in 2000 they marked a sea change in where techno was going for many people, the whole series was received with almost universal acclaim and those who made many of the tracks of these heavily electro tinged EPs part of their set read like a who’s who list of techno superstar DJs. In the early naughties you could hear tracks from the Zeta Reticula Eps being played at everything from edgier more experimental house nights right through to freetekno acid raves out in the European countryside.

One of the most outstanding and recognisable tracks on the EPs was the untitled track A1 from EP2. An absolute classic in terms of its production, its structure and its influence on the techno scene at the time. It has a great mix of pounding but still subtle and evolving beats, a strong driving synthesiser line that pushes the track forward dragging the listener inexorably along with it and an interesting use of a minimalistic orchestral track that keeps the ears enjoying the track while never straying into pretentiousness. This track is still capable of making even jaded music fans ears prick up and go “Who the fuck is this? I want this track!”.


News from Russia

Next free release on Russian Techno comes from St. Petersburg’s veterans P.C.P. (which stands for Perforated Cerebral Party). They started somewhere in 1996, producing not only techno, but also experimental trip-hop and IDM stuff. The band became very well-known and long-playing one in Russian underground musical subculture and even abroad in late 90′s. P.C.P. consists of 2 persons now – VovaPCP (who is also responsible for FL^T Club in SpB) and DJane Tsaritsa Logiki (which means «the Queen of Logic» in Russian). In 2011 they will celebrate thier 15th anniversary on acid. Ok with the history, back to the music now… The release consists of 5 tracks, carefully selected from their really huge creative archive, and remastered. The style is classic techno, neither hard, nor minimal, just as we like. The common line here is that most of the tracks have squeaking bright percussive sounds, interesting and unpredictable breakdowns, and they are just smartly built in general. Which means that this release will be definitely noticeable on a dancefloor, or at a private dopey party. For sure! Enjoy

1. Perforated Cerebral Party – E.P.T. [7:00]
2. Perforated Cerebral Party – Fight [5:48]
3. Perforated Cerebral Party – Mystery Train [6:13]
4. Perforated Cerebral Party – Funny D’Bils [5:10]
5. Perforated Cerebral Party – Stupid Tigr [5:00]





MS10 - 430 West Records

Sometimes things get complicated and a groove becomes a symphony. But sometimes, all we need is the groove. Venturing back to how it all started, Octave One begins a new chapter, 20 years after their introduction to the electronic music world. Connecting to their origins on Derrick May's legendary label, O1 pays homage to their Transmat catalog number with the launch of a new limited series and label, MS10. Returning to basics, MS10 brings the Burden brothers home to how they started it all, minus the hype and "back to the essence of the groove". This special series begins March 2010 via 12” Vinyl and digital download.